Meet Paul Gbolade Omidiran

Meet Paul Gbolade Omidiran

Omidiran Paul Gbolade was born in Lagos some five decades ago. He had his training in the academic tradition of the Ife Art School, Obafemi Awolowo University where he got his B.A (Hons) and Master of Fine art degrees in 1995 and 2000 respectively. He later went back for his M.phil/PhD degrees.

As an accomplished artist, Gbolade has to his credit, twenty two solos and several group exhibitions spreading across the different continents of the World ( U.S.A, United Kingdom, Germany, China, Dubai, Canada, Kenya and Nigeria). By sheer dexterity, he has elevated mixed media painting to an unprecedented level, having established a magical balance between painting and Graphic design.

As a result of his continuous dedication, ingenuity and versatile creative abilities, Gbolade has been privileged to hold degrees, fellowships and memberships of some Art Institutions, Art Galleries and associations from different parts of the World. These include O.A.U Ile-Ife, The art institute of Chicago, Burnsville performing Art center, Minnesota, Lakeville Art center, Edina fall Art festival, Artomi international, Brooklyn Museum (U.S.A), Stellwerk Zollverein (Germany), Redgate international (China) and the society of Nigerian Artists among others.

He is also a fellow of the Royal Society of mixed media artists, Atlanta. He has received several other Art awards within and outside the Country.
He is married to a lawyer and blessed with kids.

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